Monday, January 5, 2009

Reading Time

Now that I have the ebook and blog editor on my iPod I can sneak in a little read/write time here and there. Even so I can still see myself having to fight for every second.

While I was writing for the Comic Book Bin it was no different. During that time I would force the time into my schedule whether it worked or not. This created some problems with the family but they seemed to understand. Now it is a little different with the addition of two new members of the family Kal and Jig.

This time I'm going to try and exist in the margins. That's the plan initially anyway. The intention is that through writing a little here and there I will reveal the time where I am the most productive. Once identified I can focus and hopefully plan for that time of the day.

Lots of ambition going into this next phase. Here's to new beginings!

Posted with LifeCast

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Eagles

Better then the band in times like these. The Eagles got down and dirty play-off style and came out alive. I haven't even watched a single game yet this year.

Posted with LifeCast

Just thought I would take a little time to get this going. I've been meaning to start it up again for a while. I really need to shake the webs out.

Posted with LifeCast