Monday, January 5, 2009

Reading Time

Now that I have the ebook and blog editor on my iPod I can sneak in a little read/write time here and there. Even so I can still see myself having to fight for every second.

While I was writing for the Comic Book Bin it was no different. During that time I would force the time into my schedule whether it worked or not. This created some problems with the family but they seemed to understand. Now it is a little different with the addition of two new members of the family Kal and Jig.

This time I'm going to try and exist in the margins. That's the plan initially anyway. The intention is that through writing a little here and there I will reveal the time where I am the most productive. Once identified I can focus and hopefully plan for that time of the day.

Lots of ambition going into this next phase. Here's to new beginings!

Posted with LifeCast

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Eagles

Better then the band in times like these. The Eagles got down and dirty play-off style and came out alive. I haven't even watched a single game yet this year.

Posted with LifeCast

Just thought I would take a little time to get this going. I've been meaning to start it up again for a while. I really need to shake the webs out.

Posted with LifeCast

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Religious War is Cool!

Face it religion is strange. It's about super powered ghosts and people with wings. When it's at it's best it's downright outrageous!

One of the coolest religions ever has to be Scientology. They not even afraid to hide the fact that their religion is a total scam. That why I have been loving the recent Scientology vs Anon war that has been going on the last few weeks. It gets better and better as time goes on.

You have to admit that this stuff is way cooler than anything on TV lately.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

SlamDance Day One-Morning.

The search for WiFi.

For some reason the ideas of kindness and sharing lost on area residents when it comes to open WiFi connections. Although I was able to detect well over twenty networks in the area, none of them welcomed my little MacBook from the condo complex.

Early in the afternoon we loaded up our back packs full of t-shirts and pamphlets and headed back downtown to check in with festival coordinators. The area if far more beautiful in the day light than it was last night when we arrived. We could see a few skiers that looked like little black dots on the side of the mountains all around us as we drove by dozens of million dollar homes.

The activity level on the main street had increased three fold from the night before. The narrow little streets were clogged with delivery vehicles, crowd control barriers and police officers. Not many people yet but you can tell that they are coming.

We went back to the Treasure Mountain Inn to get our all access passes and swag bags. Now to hit the town and see what we can see. At this point WiFi withdrawal is starting to set in pretty bad.

On The Ground in Park City

Don, Amy and I arrived in Park City Utah last night for the Slamdance film festival. It was a 14 hours drive through some of the most beautiful areas of the mid-west.

Our first stop once we unloaded the rental car was the Treasure Mountain Inn on Main street. This building will act as the HQ for all of Slamdance.

Directly across the street we found a cool little place called the Wasatch Brew Pub. We sat down with a couple of the festival newspapers for a giant plate of nachos and a couple of their world famous Polygamy Porters. Great beer but we were so sleepy at this point.

Back on main street you could easily sense that something big was going to happen. there where at least half a dozen media trucks in and around the downtown area and lots of delivery trucks stocking up local stores and restaurants. Very exciting.

Back to bed in our super cool cowboy themed condo. Can't wait to see what the morning will bring. Oh and we haven't even watched any films yet.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Most Religious People Can Not Touch Tom Cruise!

I will now declare that Tom Cruise is the holiest man in North America!

Faith is measured by the improbability of the belief and also by the individual devotion to that improbability. Mike Huckabee for example can be said to have a high level of faith because he believes that dinosaurs are imaginary and that someone is going to fly down from space and save him from having to run for a second term. As good as that is Huckabee looses points because his beliefs actually pay his bills and get him votes.

Tom Cruise on the other hand believes that the frozen souls of poorly behaved space aliens infect the bodies of humans due to some strange intergalactic war (or something). He not only believes this stuff but he ends up paying millions of his own money for the privilege.

Check this video of him going on and on about "The Truth"