Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Most Religious People Can Not Touch Tom Cruise!

I will now declare that Tom Cruise is the holiest man in North America!

Faith is measured by the improbability of the belief and also by the individual devotion to that improbability. Mike Huckabee for example can be said to have a high level of faith because he believes that dinosaurs are imaginary and that someone is going to fly down from space and save him from having to run for a second term. As good as that is Huckabee looses points because his beliefs actually pay his bills and get him votes.

Tom Cruise on the other hand believes that the frozen souls of poorly behaved space aliens infect the bodies of humans due to some strange intergalactic war (or something). He not only believes this stuff but he ends up paying millions of his own money for the privilege.

Check this video of him going on and on about "The Truth"

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